Graetz vWS05C

sistema di monitoraggio fisso per la misura della dose di radiazioni gamma e raggi X,nei laboratori di isotopi, camere di radioterapia , locali di deposito per i materiali radioattivi, 

Area Monitors GRAETZ WS05C-1 / C-2 / C-3 The area monitors WS05C-1 / WS05C-2 and WS05C-3 are stationary room monitoring systems for the dose rate measurement of Ȗ-radiation and X-rays, preferably used for the permanent monitoring of isotope laboratories, radiotherapy rooms, storage rooms for radioactive materials, etc.. The WS05C is available in the following versions: - WS05C-1: Area monitor (1 measuring channel) with RS232-interface for the operation with any probe of the GRAETZ-programme. - WS05C-2: Area monitor (2 measuring channels) with RS232-interface for one measuring channel, for the simultaneous operation of max. 2 different or similar probes - any of the GRAETZ-programme. - WS05C-3: Area monitor (3 measuring channels) with RS232-interface for one measuring channel, for the simultaneous operation of max. 3 different or similar probes - any of the GRAETZ-programme.

 Each measuring channel indicates the measured values on a digital, illuminated LCdisplay (60x30 mm). For each measuring channel four individual dose rate alarm thresholds are free programmable over the whole measuring range of the connected probes. When using Ȗ-probes, the dose rate shown on the LC-Display is Sv/h.

When an end-window probe for Į-/ȕ-measurements or a NaI-scintillation probe for ȕ-/Ȗ- measurements is connected, the measured value is displayed in cps. Additionally to the digital display, the dose rate is also indicated in analog form by a logarithmic bar graph. The instrument is autoranging. When a measuring channel triggers a dose rate alarm, the integrated alarm light of the WS05C gives an optical and acoustical alarm. In the standard version: green Î “ready for operation”, orange Î “alarm threshold exceeded” / redÎ “error” (e.g. defective probe). The red LED situated above the display indicates by which measuring channel the alarm has been triggered. For connecting the WS05C with a computer, an RS232-interface for one measuring channel is available.

Caratteristiche Tecniche                  
  Sonde aggiuntive  


Monitor Ambientali Statici e Trasportabili

Navigazione veloce

Multimetri e Strumenti di precisione
Controlli di Qualità Radiologia
Sistemi DAP (KAP) e AEC
Survey meter e Dosimetri
RADON Aria Acqua Suolo
Sorveglianza Portali Scanning Droni...
Strumenti e soluzioni per la Contaminazione...
Dosimetri Personali EPD, PDR e ATEX