RTM 1688-2 Geo Station

 RTM1668-2Geo The internal measurement chamber of the standard version has been replaced by the separate soil gas probe. The probe contains the Radon measurement chamber as well as the sensors for temperature and humidity and the shock detector. The compact and rough cover made from stainless steel and Acetal allows the usage of the probe inside bore holes from 80mm up. All electronics and the detector are protected by a special Urethane coating to ensure a long operation time even under extreme conditions as expected in seismic and volcanic active areas (e.g.H2S).

in addition to the analogous ports a digital output (open drain) is available which can be used either for alert generation or for direct counting of the nuclear decay events (nuclide specific).

The unit contains an independent data logger to store 344 records and the sum spectrum for "stand alone" solutions. The recent sensor readings can be recalled via the serial interface (RS232) by a PC even if a sample is running. The required transfer protocol is provided by SARAD on demand.

After an interruption of the power supply (10.8 to 14.2 VDC) the sensor will restart automatically.

The unit is shipped with the actual version of the Radon Vision software.




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