Active Radsys faces this new challenge of controls and verification of reference doses for patients (diagnostic reference levels (or LDR) with an integration-oriented extremely easy to use to save time and repetition of immediate measures.
The programming is similar to Active_CQ allowing the reservation and the integration with Outlook and the automatic loading of the initial setting according to the type and characteristics of the device.
In fact, the check can be made by the medical physicist, EQ., radiographer or leaving the system open to doctors who perform these tests, the task of measuring and record the dose resulting from this examination. The vast experience gathered in Europe on the matter, however, has not influenced the creation of a product that can bring together the parties of interest for Italy, while respecting the current legislation.
The software, take, in a methodical and professional, the different categories of tests allowing to control each device in detail. We speak specifically of Radiology (Radiology then on adults, pediatrics and mammography), computerized tomography (CT) and Nuclear Medicine.
For each of the types listed, you can select the desired examination, referring to a particular source and get gradually in detail more meticulous, to keep under control every detail.
In the case of nuclear medicine testing of LDR is done through a thorough investigation doses of radioisotopes used, the mass of the patient and several other features of the tests themselves.
With the organizational tree you are able to select, with a simple click of a mouse, within the premises the source and the protocol in question and the set of all data related to tests carried out in previous periods.
Figure 1: Tree of company positioning
Figure 2: Example of template for data entry.
You can create personalized items such as documents, charts, tables and more, so as to allow the user to constantly monitor what matters. This part is very complex and the brief description given does not want to detract from the potential (strength of our software), but avoid being too wordy in this overview.