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VacuDAP - C


The configuration having circular ionization chambers was developed for the full integration into C-arm X-ray units to measure the dose area product. The measuring electronic provides the results as ASCII protocol via serial interface to the host computer. The handling and display of measuring results is managed by the X-ray unit control console or by a separate display unit.


VacuDAP - C with display unit



The Dose Area Product meters for C-arm machines are provided with a double display unit fluoro to indicate Dose Area Product and Dose Area Product rate simultaneously. By means of three membrane keys all settings and parameter can be adjusted.


VacuDAP - C Bluetooth®



For much easier installation of Dose Area Product meters for C-arm machines VaucTec developed a wireless model of VacuDAP - C the VacuDAP - C_Bluetooth®. Herewith datas and commands may be sent without any cable instalations from the measuring chamber to the host computer. Functionality of the measuring chamber and flexibility in size are comparable to the well-proven VacuDAP - C.


VacuDAP - C Bluetooth® with display unit


The Bluetooth® Dose Area Product meters for C-arm machines are provided with a double display unit fluoro to indicate Dose Area Product and Dose Area Product rate simultaneously. Data communication between the measuring chamber and the display unit is possible without any cable instalation. By means of three membrane keys all settings and parameter can be adjusted.


VacuDAP - C duo



The special circular chamber and the related two channel electronics enables simultaneous measurement of air kerma, air kerma rate, dose area product (DAP), DAP rate and exposure time. By means of an ASCII protocol the handling and display of measuring results is managed by the X-ray unit control console.


VacuDAP - C duo with display


The double display unit kerma is used for operating the measuring system and indicate air kerma and air kerma rate independently. By means of three membrane keys all settings and parameter can be adjusted.

For detailed information please click ourpdf icon PDF.

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