Como 170
Il contaminametro portatile

Como 170  è un Contaminametro  Portatile  con rivelatore al scintillatore plastico da 170 cm², in grado di misurare α-, β- e γ.  e dotato di calibrazione per diversi radioisotopi.


Como 170 Contaminametro  Portatile

Key features Contamination monitor: CoMo-170 Portable Contamination Monitor with thin-layer plastic scintillation detector for highly sensitive measurement of α-, β- and γ-contamination with only one detector Suitable for contamination checks of work areas, protective clothing or body surface .
Thin-layer plastic scintillation detector technology, providing key benefits over gas-filled or gas flow proportional detectors: Reduced operating expenses, lower repair costs etc. Automatic detection of the presence of α-radiation; simultaneous, selective measurement of α-, β- and γ-contamination is possible User-friendly, menu-driven configuration Important measurement parameters protected by pass code number Calibrated reference nuclide file with integrated auto calibration Integrated storage of measurement data Optional software for read-out and processing of measurement data Connection option for different external detectors, e.g. for dose rate measurement Automatic detector identification Optionally also fixed location operation with wall or table mount including inductive charging, controlling of measurement time and switching between background and contamination measurement




Dettagli e Caratteristiche            




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Multimetri e Strumenti di precisione
Controlli di Qualità Radiologia
Sistemi DAP (KAP) e AEC
Survey meter e Dosimetri
RADON Aria Acqua Suolo
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Strumenti e soluzioni per la Contaminazione...
Dosimetri Personali EPD, PDR e ATEX