
Model # TBM-IC-RN

tbm ic rn


Whenever a fast, sensitive Radon Detector is needed, the TBM-IC-RN detects 10 picoCi/l in 5 seconds and detects public release level in less than 10 minutes. This instrument is the latest in a series. The TBM-IC-RN ion chambers are now smaller and lighter and based on newest stable, essentially drift-free electrometer technology.



The TBM-IC-RN consists of a 2.9" dia x 3.5" long air ion chamber coupled to a stable solid state MOSFET input electrometer with built in A to D converter to read out directly in a nanoCi/liter. Range is 10 picoCi/l to 1 µCi/l. Ion Chamber walls are 180 mg/cm2 graphite lined methacrylate walls and give accurate "air equivalence." Quick change Ion Chamber Shell allows conversion to TBM-IC-Survey Meter.

 Caratteristiche Tecniche 

lentefeAltre Camere d'ionizzazioni Us Nuclear Corp.

Navigazione veloce

Multimetri e Strumenti di precisione
Controlli di Qualità Radiologia
Sistemi DAP (KAP) e AEC
Survey meter e Dosimetri
RADON Aria Acqua Suolo
Sorveglianza Portali Scanning Droni...
Strumenti e soluzioni per la Contaminazione...
Dosimetri Personali EPD, PDR e ATEX