

The first artificial intelligence system for monitoring radiation in complex situation


We are pleased to inform you of the availability on the market of our first instrument for monitoring Gamma and Neutron Radiation in situations where standard instruments (Survey Meter, RIID) are difficult to use: in areas with large heaps of material, on moored ships, in large vehicles, stacks of containers etc .. The new instrument is in fact useful in all those situations where monitoring requires support on a mechanical arm or crane and at the same time there is a need to scan the dose rate measurement by sweeping a large area (matrix detections) and immediate measurement of any radioisotopes present is required.


The detector designed with anti-shock technology is kept in a cage or attached to a mechanical arm of the vehicle. It is then hoisted and moved along the area of interest to create data useful for mapping the dose rate within a graphic matrix. The dose rate is then displayed in real time and all the previous readings are saved and shown in a map. If the dose rate at a point exceeds a chosen level, the entire information contained in the gamma map will be used intelligently by the system to quickly find the source of the contamination (any radioisotopes).
The system consists of a 2100 CPS detector for 1μSv / hr Cs-137, consisting of a block of 12cm x 12cm x 2cm = 288 cm3 of NaI (Tl). The detection data will be sent via Wi-Fi to the tablet PC in the cabin. If necessary, a signal repeater can be used between the hold or controlled area and the cabin itself to ensure a constant flow of data).

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Droni, Portali e Scanner

Navigazione veloce

Multimetri e Strumenti di precisione
Controlli di Qualità Radiologia
Sistemi DAP (KAP) e AEC
Survey meter e Dosimetri
RADON Aria Acqua Suolo
Sorveglianza Portali Scanning Droni...
Strumenti e soluzioni per la Contaminazione...
Dosimetri Personali EPD, PDR e ATEX